Heinen’s Tasteful Rewards Program
- Sign up as a Tasteful Rewards Member at www.heinens.com/rewards, or by visiting Customer Service at your local Heinen’s store.
- You must RESELECT us each school year, so please sign up or (if already a member) RENEW for our current school year!
- View our flyer for complete details to get started.
Amazon Smile
- To register, visit smile.amazon.com.
- Select the United Methodist Church of Chagrin Falls or EIN: 34-0812876.
- Amazon will remember your selection. Every eligible purchase you make at smile.amazon.com will result in a donation of 0.5% of your purchases.
Burntwood Tavern Dining for Dollars
- This event takes place every October and March.
- 15% of your purchase will be donated to our school.
- Get your warm, heavyweight Methodist Preschool hoodie for winter!
- Each has the Methodist Preschool logo on the front, as well as the option to have your name printed on the back.
- Download the MPS Hoodie Form and bring in to the school.